Rosie in Japan

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Simultaneous Culture/Reverse Culture Shock

Feeling so blah today. At least the weather is cooler now that tsuyu (the rainy season) is late.

Getting myself mentally prepared for NZ soon. Trying to imagine going back to my old life and failing....How am I going to react when I get to a supermarket that sells apples for 30cents, whole chickens, golden syrup, real cheese in kilo blocks. Then I'll have to leave again for Japan.

Went out to Mishima island to stay last night, it sucked. Maybe because I get cut off from the civilised world, but also maybe because the ryokan really smells and they serve me lettuce and plain rice for breakfast...nice though to come back to a boyfriend who missed me and bought me dinner :)

Now that Ann has blessedly sold me her "Japanese for Busy People" books I am studying lots more - why are the characters in Japanese dialogues always called 'Tanaka-san'?

I hate rain, I hate tiny islands with yukky food and I hereby declare myself mentally retired from teaching until September 1st.

At least we have San Marco's in Hagi where I can go eat good food and sing along to 'La Bamba'.


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