Rosie in Japan

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Not Guilty

Struck me as kinda ironic today as I watched a news clip about Michael Jackson being found not guilty of child molestation. I really haven't made up my mind about this one, but there are an awful lot of reports about him sleeping with boys and giving them alcohol in a can ('Jesus Juice')
He clearly is out of his mind either way. If he really is not guilty then maybe he should be thinking about why there is enough evidence for him to keep getting dragged to court. Don't bunk down with the boys, Michael!
And if he is guilty? What about his victims. He gets to walk away, sure his reputation is a little tarnished, but with half the rights to the Beatles' music still in his possession, he's not exactly on the bones of his arse.
The Schapelle Corby case still toils in the background. It's a very very strange world we live in indeed - especially when I get the image of an innocent woman in a filthy, corrupt Indonesian prison for the rest of her life. Michael will be no doubt be, in contrast, ordering a fresh glass of carrot and celery juice and changing into a pair of brand new socks. He refuses to wear the same pair twice I've heard.


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