Rosie in Japan

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's nothing short of a MILKLE

Warning: this is a katakana/romaji worst case scenario.

Today at school I happened to browse a Ministry of Education propaganda (I mean information) pamphlet which tells the kids all about why it's great to drink milk during school lunch.

It was titled "Milkle". Hmm. I look closer.
The katakana for milk is mi ru ku.
The katakana for miracle is mi ra ku ru.

You put them together and what do they spell?

That's right mi ru ku + mi ra ku ru = MI RU KU RU! Or Milkle in English, in case you didn't know.

You're so stewpid!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Update: The Babies

My two little nieces have grown up so much since I last saw them. They are both so beautiful and so different!
Jodi is turning 5 in June and the preparations for school have already started. Demi will be starting afternoon kindy later in the year when she turns 3.
Big hugs and kisses from Aunty.

Grandma and Grandad's backyard

Pretty Jodi

I visited Puzzleworld with my Mum.

Grandma spoiled me rotten on my birthday in November with this ginormous chocolate cake! I am 2!

My tummy hurts...




The Washington Monument. Peace, love, the Gap!

The White House decorated with it's Christmas wreaths and flag at half mast for President Ford.