Rosie in Japan

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter Eve

Well, tomorrow is Good Friday. For me this stirs up memories of every year making hot cross buns from scratch (Alison Holst recipe), Mum dividing the dough into 3 equal portions so my brother and sister and I could pound the yeast into submission. Jesus of Nazareth would always screen around noon on TV1, and just as I would be really freaking out watching what Jesus had to go through, Mum would announce the buns were out of the oven. So I have come to associate the suffering of Jesus with the goodness of something hot and buttered. Probably not what was intended.

I have to work in the morning so there won't be time to double rise the dough for hot cross buns. Instead I am going to make date scones - thanks to Matt's family bringing me gorgeous Tesco's omiyage and my Mum sending me a huge box of yummies including muscovado sugar! It is all prepped and on the bench (along with the coffee mugs) so I can whack a batch in the oven while still half-asleep tomorrow morning.

I'm planning to make a couple of batches of hot cross buns over the weekend. I wonder if my local video shop has a copy of Jesus of Nazareth...


  • I love thinking of nice traditions like that! Don't really have any easter ones though...apart from the eating of chocolate! There were never any cross-buns in our house, though, cos us Campys don't like raisins / dried fruit etc! Ah well!

    By Blogger Lauren, at 12:05 pm  

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