Rosie in Japan

Monday, October 04, 2004

Yay, Yay, Yay!

I'm really happy because Mum has just emailed saying the parcel I sea-mailed a month ago has arrived. It contained copies of all the photos I've taken since I've been in Japan, newspapers for Dad, fans for Mum and Meredith and Japanese masks for Jodi and Dyson. Finally, they will be able to see all the things I've been going on about and understand how different and cool my life is here. I will now waiting with baited breath for my parcel from NZ which should be arriving this week, full of winter stuff, NZ stuff and Mum goodies and treats.....
Tuesday this week will mark the four-weeks-til-due-date of Meredith's baby. I was lying in bed last night tripping out, thinking that if the baby was born right now, it would be a little bit premature but fine, so really its just in there, waiting in the dark, getting fatter....wicked. If you hate preganancy, birth, babies, gushy cuteness, tune out now. The blog is officially clucky.
Halloween is coming, we don't celebrate it really in NZ, but as a JET you are part of a global village and most of the other US/Canadians do, so guess what. The Brit pub 'Gotcha' in Yanai is where its happening on the 31st, which is also Mum's birthday. I am frantically searching for a great costume idea thats not too difficult to throw together considering I'm in Japan and don't fit any clothing whatsoever let alone costumes. Argh. Because I am around only Japanese people 99% of the time, I find myself looking in the mirror in the bathroom at work and almost freaking out when I see the fair hair/pale skin/blue eyes reflection. Likewise when I compare the size of my pelvis to other Japanese women.
Work lately has been great, I've finished all speech competition tutoring, helping Ayumi for the last time on Friday avo. I've finished self-introductions with all my classes and done most of the awkward first lessons with my team teachers. Considering I could be a colleague of these people for up to the next 3 years I am trying to tend to my relationships like a little garden. It is all growing nicely with sprinklings of smiles and rays of sunshine. Any spare time I am now going to put into making cool wall posters for the classrooms about NZ. I am also going to do a regular English newsletter and maybe even start up an English conversation club. The few relationships I have built with students outside of the classroom are so rewarding that I will try and cultivate more of that.
Once again, a power packed weekend at Rosie's Ryokan (traditional style inn). Kat & Lauren from Yanai, Louise from Asa and Alex from Yamaguchi City (all UK) did a Brit invasion and stayed with us, we had a fantastic time doing a pottery lesson at one of the gorgeous Hagi-yaki shops . On Sunday we went to Hagi Glass and did an awesome glass lesson, we got to fire stunning glass pendants which they put on silver chains for us. Next time we go we'll graduate to glass blowing. Don't go to Venice people, come to Hagi! We totally ran out of time to explore the castle ruins and Samurai quarter, there is just so much to do. The new Hagi museum is opening November 11th, can't wait.
This weekend we have a(nother!) public holiday on Monday so its a 3-day weekend, we are going to Hiroshima for the annual sake festival. This will be fantastic. Watch this space.


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